I have dreams

I would love to win the lottery and just roam the world… I want to visit everywhere in the United States and just have an adventure with my son.

by a Winnebago and just drive. We have sat down and wrote out a road map to anywhere and everywhere we want to go!   Only thing holding us back is money. Funny thing is,,, everywhere we want to go is just here in the USA,,,

I want to take him to the Grand Canyon,,, Camp out in a tent under the stars,,, have rides down into the canyon. Not only the Grand Canyon,, I want to go to the Palo Duro Canyon again,,, I been there as a child. It was a wonderful experience.

Its hell to live just paycheck to paycheck. Can never splurge on things.

but,,, ohhhhhhh how I would love to just be out on the open road,,, I feel in my past life I must’ve been a drifter,, gypsy,, or just a hitchhiker that just craved freedom at all cost. Sun on my shoulders,,, wind in my hair… no responsibilities…


My also other dreams is helping other through my fortune,,, Donate money to worthy causes,,, help kids by giving scholarships to colleges that they could get in,,, but possibly could not pay for,,, I think its horrible some brilliant minds can make it to top universities,,,, but are hit by a roadblock because of the all mighty dollar!  It’s like telling them,,, you did your best,,, but its still not good enough. I saw that happen to my brother. He ended up joining the Navy,,, saved up money,, and now going to school. I’m so proud of him.

But ,,, there is a reason I’m in this place in my life. I’m happy,, but I feel I can do a lot more.

Just a few extra $$$$ wouldn’t hurt! lol


Integrated Martial Arts

I have been attending a Integrated Martial Arts class with my son for a couple months now. (Taekwondo, Judo, T’ai Chi Chu’an, Tang Soo Do) I first joined cause I saw other women my age was trying it out. So I thought why not!! First class,,, they was there,,, but after that ,, they dropped out! So I was like,,, hmmmm How long can I stick this out???

It’s hard,, demanding,, physical,, and fun. I have a thing about touching others,, and being touched. I DON’T LIKE IT!!  But being involved in this class,,, I am slowly loosing that  thought.

Also I like doing something my son is doing,,, he likes me going ,, and knowing I can fully defend myself if harm comes my way.

Every practice I leave red faced and outta breath,,, flop sweat all over,,, but feeling great!!


My first belt test was only 3 weeks after I joined. I earned a yellow stripe,,, very first level of the class. I was so proud of myself!!


At the end of April is my next test,,, full Yellow. My Sifu said I’m a natural and  caught on quickly also could jump belts ( be on the same level as my son),,, but I wanted to do this right. Take my time,, and appreciate the forms fully.

I catch on quickly,,, I was in dance from 3 yrs to 22 yrs lol,,, so Its all a big dance for me lol

My son is a Purple Stripe,,, 2 levels higher than me. Hes been working about a year longer than me. I told him,,, I’m going to pass you up!!! lol    He says, “Come on then!!” lol

Here’s my son ,,, and That’s our Sifu in black,, little but Mighty!!


Im loving how I feel,,, I am a Warrior!!


Im in allergy hell

I have pretty bad allergies.  So awful I just open the door im miserable.  I look like the.people on tv. Typical red eyed, stuffy nose, sneezing freak.
   I hate to take my meds. Im totally not a functioning peraon when I take them.
     I finally took them roday. I feel better… Just everything is.in alow motion.    I hate that.
    How can I properly work as an educator while I take these things…. that why I just suffer thru it.

Sick :-(

I come to you today from my bed. I managed to be up enough to get dressed put on some make up…took my son to church…and came home went back to bed.
Every year…same thing. Major Sinus and Allergy attacks. Messes with my asthma bad! Can’t breathe… and hust non stop coughing. This.one hit fast and I hope I can get to a dr on Tuesday because of the Labor Day weekend… I hope my sinus problem doesn’t turn into an infection.   Did a netti pot to flush out my nasal passages. Also took some OTC meds… so I hope it all works out. Just keeping me in a sleepy state of mind.
   But I have been watching Breaking Bad on Netflicks….. I never seen it. Mannnnnnn this show is something else!! Didnt know how crazy people can be on or about Meth!! I guess. I have been blessed to be sheltered. …
I can’t help It on some scences to laugh at poor Walter White.     And I dont know much about his wife… but seems like a ball bustin witch to me.
Anyways…I’m on Season 1 episode 6.
      Each episode gets better than the last.


Back to school for me!!!

Ugh… getting back to school is hard. Just to wake up at 5am is a ungodly act upon humanity!! Lol
    I wake early because not only I teach…. I also drive a school bus before and after school. I work in a very small school district..and also make a little extra money. 
    My mother made me a going back to school sback since I haven’t had anything cake-like in 6 months.  She found gluten free cake mix….and made me cupcakes!!!


They were yummy.


Great back to school treat. 
    I haven’t been crocheting as much as I wanted to.. being so busy cleaning house and making sure everything is reasy when I went back.  I like to over prepare.
   I mase a desision yesterday that my sons last year of homeschooling will be this year…he will start ahifh school next year. Best way to get a scholarship.  I hope he does well and fit in. Hes a bit on the geeky side.
  Anyways. . Better get busy … gotta get dressed and go shopping
… yuck!

Canning my version of Ranch Style beans

My family just loves these beans! If you’re a canning fan like me,,, you will love this awesome way to cook these dry beans in a pressure cooker.

I know some may be terrified of the idea of using a pressure cooker. I was horrified!! I heard so much scary stories like ,,, “My Gran used one white cooking dinner,,, and next thing you know there was a hole in the ceiling!”  Oh gosh I thought,, This is a new house.. I don’t want to hurt it?!! haha

           My father bought my Mum a Pressure cooker for her birthday 16 years ago. We didn’t even open the box till last year. She shared my fear of Pressure canning. haha

    Soooooo,,, we saw this recipe and said well better late then never. Very easy. I included pictures to show the process and how fast and easy it can be.

  list of things you will need.  Pressure cooker of course,, Make sure you read full instructions on venting times for your model,,, usually 10 min.  sterilized pint jars, hot boiling water in separate pan, ladle, bubble remover, lids and rings for your pint jar.  Tomato sauce, dried onion, chili, salt, cumin, black pepper, garlic powder, small red beans.

 Ok lets start at the beginning. Line up your jars in a row. Put in order in the jar. (at this time put your lids in another pan and water heat up to activate the glue)

2/3 c. red beans DRY!!! No soaking required

1/2 t. dried onion

1 t. chili powder

1/2 t. salt

1/2 t. cumin

1/4 t. black pepper

1/4 t. garlic powder                   here’s my lovely mother demonstrating the process


after all the ingredients are in the jar. You need to ladle boiling water in the jar leaving an inch headspace.

          Here is me doing this step


after all is filled. Add the lids and rings. Seal the babies up!!

Then lower them with a jar lifter in the pressure canner. Be careful of steam burns,,, hurts so much!!


oh lord!!  Big belly shot! But Im working on that. lol

Its going to have to process on 10 lbs for 75 mins.



After it completely cooled down where you can open your canner,,, you can pull out your hard work!!


Now,,, I know your dying to try them as soon as they are cooked. You can,,, but they taste better after sitting and stewing in it own juices for several weeks!

           I hope this was a big help!

                     XOXO April



Life with my Mum

Since Mothers Day is tomorrow. .. I have no clue what to buy this woman. She is allergic to chocolate. She is also Gluten free living because she also has Celiacs Disease.  Im thinking I just may go home and can up and pressure cook her fav beans. Lol
Its useful. ..she can eat them. Plus makes my Dad happy.  He loves that type of beans.   Well I know what my next post will be… How to can April version of Ranch Style Beans!!
Happy Saturday everyday
(This is my beautiful Mumma and her Birthday present in Feb this year… she was soooo happy. Big Gardeners at this house. )


Acne!!! Eek!!!

Ok… today makes it a week that I started my Celiac/gluten free lifestyle. Omg!! I must be detoxing because my body is breaking out all over… I took pics of just my face cause didnt want to scare yound viewers out in the world. .. but something must be right. I feel great.



  7 days without a Coke… yea me. I knew I could do it.
Now its the weekend coming and I have so much energy … maybe go to the Wildlife Refuge with my son. He will like that. 🙂

Full body pictures

Full body pictures of me is a big no-no!!
   And if I do volunteer to have one taken of me… I probably been drinking lol
     But I have this one on the Battleship Texas .


I need to take better ones so I can show before and after progress. 
    I gotta this weight off!!  Can do it little by little everyday.